Discover your values-aligned functioning via One-on-one coaching

Your values are guiding your life right now. But, if you are feeling anxious, stuck, depressed, let down, or uninspired, the values you are applying might not be as important as you think, or worse yet, they might be someone else’s values and not yours. Through this individual values workshop, you can consider what’s important to you in your life, describe the behaviors that demonstrate your values, and learn how to make decisions, improve your communications and relationships, set your boundaries, and resolve conflicts using your values.

“I found developing my values with this framework very engaging. It prompted me to reflect deeply on what I enjoy and value and how my different values connect. This framework is also interesting because it acknowledges that values can evolve as we grow..”

Danielle Sullivan
DEI Specialist

Train-the-trainer: Values

Values training program to teach facilitation of Values aligned functioning

Fee: $6,000 +
travel and accommodations

Values guide behaviors. In business, we often train to the company's values, and these corporate values can conflict with the values of your employees, managers, and leaders. Yet, a meaningful way to prepare your employees at any level for leadership positions is to help them surface their core values, define the behaviors that demonstrate their values, and learn how to use their values to communicate, collaborate, make decisions, and manage conflicts.

During this full-day of values training offered to corporations, your employees will:

  1. Explore the meaning of values.

  2. Experience the values surfacing process.

  3. Write values-aligned behavioral statements.

  4. Learn to use their values to communicate, collaborate, make decisions, and manage conflicts.

  5. Practice the values model for implementation at your workplace.

To qualify as a Values AF trainer, individuals must have at least 20 years of business experience or a master’s degree in the helping arts with a proven ability to synthesize information and linguistic mastery.