Gender is Everywhere

Name tag template with fields "My name is" and "My pronouns are," featuring a heart with a pride flag design.

We are experiencing a gender awakening. Employees are proactively disclosing their pronouns and bringing their full selves to work. When employees are seen, heard, and understood, they feel valued. When they feel valued, they tend to freely give more of their talents to their teams and feel good doing so.

Yet, some employees may not understand their co-workers’ pronoun use, which can cause conflict, shifting focus away from business results and toward safety concerns. Others may proactively use pronouns to demonstrate allyship without knowing the “why” they are doing so. Training can build a bridge of understanding between members of your team and fuel business results.

In this live one-hour webinar, your team will have the opportunity to learn about effective pronoun use, why pronouns are personal and important, and ask questions about their most important—and often highly sensitive—questions in a safe environment.

Request pronoun training today for you and your team. When your team operates as one fueled by diversity, business results tend to flourish, customers and clients are happier, and employees stay longer.

Training is led by counselor, coach, and consultant Jeremy Henderson-Teelucksingh.

The results speak for themselves.

100% of survey respondents agree they are likely to recommend this training to others.

Pronouns evolve with human experience.

Your business can too.

Training Fee: $2,500 USD

June 2025 PRIDE Month Special: $1,500 USD